Thursday, September 11, 2014

An Apple a Day...

Is not keeping the doctor away.

I think I am adjusting to life as a diabetic, pretty well.  Maybe as well as can be expected.  From a medical standpoint, my last check up reveals that I would considered someone that is pre-diabetic or has very well managed diabetes.  So, THAT is a WIN in my book.

I have come to find that like my Grammy and Momma Bear, I too suffer from the diabetic crash at night.  I was always waking up with headaches but my blood sugar numbers were higher than what they should be by morning.  Well, after doing a few tests in the middle of the night, I was finding that my numbers were really low and my body was automatically rebounding them.  So, to counter that, if I have not had a late dinner, I will have a cracker with peanut butter to tied me over to the morning.  So far it is working because waking up with a throbbing headache is NOT a good start to the day.

Outside of the middle of the night crashes, I really do keep it in check and have only had one recent blood sugar crash.  That happened while flying for my racecation in Seattle.  Going through two different time zones and leaving Austin before 6:30 am and arriving at 2:30 pm Seattle time...well I learned that a bagel with cream cheese and a piece of fruit will NOT keep my blood sugar stable for that long of a period of time.  Thankfully I had my Glucose tablets on me and Momma Bear was wiser than me and had traveled with peanuts, both of which saved the day.

I am still watching what I eat and making a slow gradual decline in the weight front.  With all the marathons this year, two 1/2 marathon's so far, I am seeing more inches versus weight go. So far, as of Tuesday, I am down 11.6 lbs, or 6%.   Definitely been a great feeling shopping in the closest.  Runner is also kind enough to point out those outfits that should be retired or never worn again unless they are going to a tailor first, which is never a bad thing to have happen.

But even with all the victories, the last six month check up was still a bust on the blood work and back to the doctor I went.  My overall cholesterol number is good, however, my LDL (good) cholesterol and triglycerides were NOT good.  From what I have learned, it is a complication that is common with Diabetes.  At least the cholesterol is.  But, I have an amazing doctor that thinks outside of the box (or at least I see it that way) and had another plan of attack than going on more medication to fix the cholesterol and triglycerides.

So with that, I have started the journey of the weight loss pill.  No, it is not the magic fix all pill that everyone wants.  This first 4 weeks, I am on a very low dose to see how I tolerate it and make sure that it does not leave me with the jitters.  So far, so good on that front.  I am still required to get my exercise in and journal my food.  So, if you are using MyFitnessPal or a Fitbit, hit me up.  I can always use extra motivation and encouragement.  I go back in for a follow up on September 30th. If all is well, then they will up my dosage and I will continue that for 6 months.

The overall goal of this is to try and spring the weight loss since I have stuck around 183 for awhile now.  Her belief is that as the weight goes, my cholesterol and triglycerides will follow suit.  If that does not happen, it will be time to add a few more pills to the mix.

So while an apple day is not keeping the doctor away, I am fairly healthy and trying to at least stay on top of that which is not healthy.

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