Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year...

New Resolutions...right?

So who knows, maybe I should blog more? I mean I clearly have some silent stalkes out there....I'm sure I can find something to entertain you with. I have a lot of resolutions this year and I think blogging just might help me.

That said, just know my resolutions are about making my life better and keeping the happiness.  I mean the picture below says why anything else would just be silly.

So what makes this even better is that my truly awesome parents bought me a tablet for Christmas and as they say...there is an app for that. Who knew that I could blog from my tablet. Although I'm pretty sure that typing on a normal keyboard will be easier some days!

So, two days in to the new year and we have one blog post and one workout recorded. I would say that was a WINNING moment!

Stay tuned, 2013 will be the best yet!!!

On a side note...editing is going to be easier at a real computer!

1 comment:

Kris said...

Get one of those cool keyboards for your tablet - problem solved!