Why is it that for some friends, we wait until Christmas and the Holiday's to catch up? Why is it that we are lazy and send out these mass letters to family and friends telling them, hey this is what is up? Why don't we check in more often?
Wow I am so ever guilty of this. I know, I have this blog and for some, if they choose not to catch up here, too bad, so sad. I won't even get into how I am so terrible I even had a card come back because I never updated an address, heaven knows how long ago they moved! I probably should post my Christmas letter here just for the few that may never have received it! I know I was a terrible friends to my friends in Austin. :(
But, sometimes you get those letters back and just are in awe and feel like the worst friend ever! It reminds you of how precious life is and how important some things really are! So, while I know that most of my goals are lined out for the New Year, this one is getting added to the floater list - be in my friends lives' for 2012 - call them, write them, be there! I might just need a tab so I can go back and make my quick reference for 2012 resolutions!
Where am I going with all this? Well, obviously I haven't been the best about keeping up with everyone or seeing everyone when I come back for visits! Sometimes it is just hard. But, nothing prepared me for the letter I received from my friend Mo. Mo and I date back to my first "real" job after college. It is impossible to imagine that we have known each other as long as we have. I mean, it seems like just yesterday. I can remember the day that she went into labor with her first child and for whatever reason, I even managed to get the time of birth right in the office pool - weird fact I know. That "baby" is now 13. It doesn't seem possible.
Mo is just a year older than me and went in for her first mammogram at age 36 just because of some family history. I do not know if it was in relationship to breast cancer or another type, but right away they found a spot of "interest". One year later, after monitoring, she was diagnosed with DCIS, ductal carcinoma in situ. As Mo shared in the letter, she never found a lump and it is hard to say how her story would of ended up if she waited until she was 40 to have that first mammogram.
I have been catching up with her carepage and reading all she has been through. I can only imagine how tough things have been but at the same time know some of the day to day struggles a cancer patient goes through sitting beside my friend Little Hammer and watching her battle Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Being a crier, the tears came when I saw the picture of Mo's long, beautiful hair gone and her comparing herself to her husband and who looks better bald. Such a great spirit and great person, I love you Mo. I haven't finished reading all of her entries but so far, everything seems to being going as well as one could expect.
The reality check in all of this is, have you had a Mammogram? I know a lot of you are my age and haven't hit that 40 yet. I know my doctor's office had me do a baseline at 35 so I have had the initial one. However, with this gut check, I have made some calls to my insurance company. When I had the initial one, my tech told me to check with my insurance company because some companies will cover the mammogram every year and not require you to wait until you were 40. I thought it was silly and not needed but needless to say I made that call now! My insurance company will cover it and you can bet that I will be scheduling that mammogram with my well woman check later this year!
I ask that you include Mo and her family in your prayers tonight that God continues to provide healing and strength in the coming days and months as she finishes her chemotherapy and transitions through raditaion!
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