Friday, June 4, 2010

57 out of 62

Yup, that was the official count of days worked in a span of 62 days. So, needless to say, when I called in Friday morning and said I wasn't going to be in Friday night and Saturday morning for my shifts, I did NOT feel guilty in the slightest.

I have a master plan and I really want to be debt free as quickly as possible. So, in the big scheme of things, I don’t really notice that I work that many days. But, when I do take a day off, boy oh boy – I forgot how nice it is. I suppose it makes one appreciate it more.

We had an early roll out on Friday for the holiday weekend. That translated to me hitting the road at 1:30. I love it. I promptly headed home and enjoyed some quality nap time on the couch. Friday evening was spent working on the yard. Mowing, pulling weeds, edging, sweeping, watering, etc.

Saturday morning, well I thoroughly enjoyed sleeping in. Of course – having dogs that understand I might be sleeping in would have been even better. I honestly forgot what normal people do on Saturday mornings, little things like watering the yard, running errands, etc.

In the afternoon, it was time to head to Lake Limestone and Camp Curtis! For whatever reason, Finnegan was pacing the entire time but we did get there and even when we were getting close to Camp Curtis, Guinness started freaking out, like she remembered where we were. All and all it was a GREAT weekend. I got some reading in, some drinking in and a lot of sun time. Finnegan loved the water as much as Guinness and after the weekend, they will both now be called Finnegus. My Country Cuz can’t tell Guinness & Finn apart so he called them Finnegus the entire weekend.

Unfortunately the weekend came to an end much too quickly and I was greeted with a 15 hour work day on Tuesday.

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